Friday, December 10, 2010

The Seinfeld of blog posts

I went to Target tonight to buy some things for my work "white elephant Christmas exchange". Technically I guess its a "holiday exchange" because I don't think you are allowed to say "Christmas" at work. At any rate, you have to buy a gift worth at least $20. Most people buy lotion sets, useless knick knacks, snuggies (I guess thats the same as a useless knick knack), or other junk.

I typically buy a DVD - most people like movies. I like movies but I never get around to watching DVDs. The past two years I have bought a Tiger Beat magazine as a gag gift to include with my DVD. I didn't want to break tradition so I picked up the latest issue of Tiger Beat to throw in with my gift. The current issue's big story is "Is Justin Beiber a Good Kisser?". (see picture for proof i didn't make this up) I didn't think much about it much at the time but then realized that this was the only thing in my cart. A 30 year old guy walking around with Tiger Beat in his cart....nice.

I wandered around looking for other stuff to buy (they had a good deal on sweat pants $6.48) and finally made my way to the checkout counter. I generally don't pay much attention to those around me in line but considering I was about to buy a Tiger Beat I was paying pretty close attention to make sure no one noticed. The lady in front of me had a very noticeable mustache, very thick. A mustache I would be proud to own. I then overheard this conversation between the mustache lady and the cashier.

Cashier: Do you do hair?
Mustache Lady: No, I do makeup.
Cashier: Oh that makes sense.

Wait, wait. Why would it make sense for the female Tom Selleck to do makeup? Wouldn't a makeup artist be the last person to have unsightly facial hair?

If you haven't noticed by now, there is no point to this.