Friday, May 22, 2009

Cereal boxes shouldn't hang out with ice cream

Much like the value of a dollar, the sanctity of marriage and Donald Trump's hairline - grocery store bagging standards are not what they used to be.

Back in the olden days (1996) when I was a well trained bagger at the Albertson's on Glade Road - bagging standards were my LIFE! Well, bagging standards and smooshing the fruit of rude customers.

The managers at this store made it their goal to ensure that there were at least 8 items per bag and that we perfectly "cubed out" each one. I distinctly remember other grocery stores doing the same.

Here were the 3 golden rules:

1) Never put soap or cleaning products with food

2) Never put frozen food with cardboard boxes that may get soggy


You’d think this would be common sense, but it seems like now these ill trained buffoons simply stuff whatever comes down the conveyor into the bag and throw it in the cart. Last week at Kroger I probably bought around 50 items and (no kidding) probably had 30 bags. Absolutely unacceptable item to bag ratio!

I have even started strategically emptying out my cart so that all of the frozens will be together, all of the fruits/vegetables will be together and so forth. Sometimes they still manage to put the frozen dinners on top of the granola bars.

No real point to this other than someone bet me that I couldn't somehow link Donald Trump to frozen dinners.

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