Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Anybody want 2 cds?

To see dees nuts....ahahahhaha that never gets old. Just like the old "pretend to shake someones hand and slick back the hair" trick.

I bought a few new cds the past few weeks and I figured I'd give a quick review of sorts. If you only listen to music played on the local pop station chances are you should stop reading this now.

1. Emery - "While Broken Hearts Prevail ...In Shallow Seas We Sail"

I absolutely loved Emery's first album "The Weak End". Everything since then has just been ok. I mean its Emery but it all sounds the same. In short - this band is like a waffle. The first few bites are amazing but about halfway through its a mushy, soggy mess and you are really wishing you had ordered the omelet.

2. The Mars Volta - "Octahedron"

By the title of the album you would think that this is the El Paso band's 8th album - but in reality it is their 5th. A little softer and more acoustic sound this time around from the typically frantic prog rock band. While the sound is a little different this time, there is no mistaking the vocal range of Cedric Bixler-Zavala who could really teach that Adam Lambert (American Idol) a thing or two about how not to try so hard when hitting the high notes.

At any rate - Octahedron is top notch work and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking to step outside of the usual bland everyday rock music. It did take 2 listens though for me to "get it" because I was expecting something else.

Remember - People don't make the music - the music makes the people. I think I just coined that phrase.

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